Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Just yesterday, I finally renewed my Bally's membership. I had gotten pretty good offers in the past, but knowing that I would not utilize it that much, I ignored all those offers. However, since I've got goals to reach this year, I thought I give it a try. After all, Bally's is only a few steps away from my place. I mean, seriously, I could run there in 15 seconds. Just need to be very diligent about keeping my motivation level high...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

my day off

I always look forward to Tuesday since it is my only day off out of the week. Today was another relaxing day for me especially because it was a very gloomy and somber day. I forced myself to stay in other than taking Fifi to the vet. I was saddened by the reality that my baby is getting old and that she is developing more tumors- but benign ones, but hey, what can I do about those... I am just glad that she is still in good health and very energetic for her age. No need for any surgery, but I do worry.... It is my biggest wish that Fifi can live as long as I do.
Ok, let's move away from any morbid thoughts. I finally booked my trip to Japan! Hurrah!!! For the longest time, I was trying to use up my Korean Air miles, but they were being the biggest loser and annoying the heck out of me, so I had to shell out close to 15k for my roundtrip- of course, I'm not getting on KAL, but rather UAL. This is the downfall of staying in- shopping on-line and spending $$$, yikes... but I gotta get what I gotta get. ;p

Sunday, January 27, 2008

cool things do happen

It was another brutally cold day again yesterday and made it hard for me to get up in the morning. It was so warm and nice to be in bed and I allowed myself to be lazy since there was no work yesterday. But then again, it is not my nature to be lazy and staying in bed all day, so I called around and dragged one of my friends out downtown. While we were shopping, I realized that my watch was gone- not that it was something significant or super pricey but it was still sad. My intuition told me where it might be, and after about an hour or so of realizing the loss of my watch, I went back to the place and was surprised to find that someone had the decency to pick it up and not pocket it! I mean, it is a very nice watch and someone could have easily taken it home with her/him. It was very busy at the store, so I didn't really get a chance to ask who found it where that person found it, etc. But overall, I was pleased and happy to be back with my watch. Sometimes, this world isn't a bad place to be in....

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

greeting 2008

OMG, I have not blogged in ages. Well, I guess a lot has happened in the last several months, but nothing drastic has happened in my life, like inheriting a fortune or meeting someone so perfect to marry (do I really want to?), etc. Some little things have happened though- like finally buying an SUV to get through the harsh Chicago winter, finally moving in and actually living in my condo, etc. I plan to make more things happen... I have been telling myself I should go on a vacation soon, but 2007 was a very hectic year for me. Oh, I just thought of an excuse why I have not been blogging often... I still have no internet access at my condo due to an indescribable personality of the builder myself and my neighbors are having to deal with. Will blog later on about that... Anyhow, time really does fly and 2008 is already looking pretty busy for me. It's great not having to deal with anything today... especially because a very fat 6 year old girl bit my middle finger yesterday. My finger was throbbing the whole day! I have never gotten bit like that before. I told myself I will stop being nice to my patients and start referring out more from now on. Come on, I need to live, live healthy.