Sunday, June 10, 2007

speed, baby

On the way to the city yesterday I was pleasantly surprised to see almost no traffic. Thanks to this rare chance to speed a little more than usual- it was a good way to relieve some of my distress. My beautiful, sturdy tank (v-8, hp of almost 500) knows to speed well and performs to my expectations. I wish Chicago kept the kind of weather we had yesterday- it was perfectly breezy with the perfect amount of sunshine- of course, no humidity. Walking along Lake Michigan made me realize how pretty this city is although I ended up getting blisters on my feet from walking in heels.... so stupid.... My plans to run today got ruined, but whatever happens, happens. Oh no, I still have to make up the missed yoga sessions from the last two days. Craptacular!
photo by J.Lee


jinnie said...

스피드 너무 내지말어..
잔소리 안해도 돼쟤?

velvetmoon said...

ok, ok. no worry.