Saturday, June 16, 2007

my handwriting to blame...

Ok, so I have not been blogging as faithfully as I promised myself previously. That is because I don't have much going on in my life right now. Things are pretty dormant. I have not been taking gazillion trips like I did the last few years, work is work, weekends are spent doing pretty much the same things I usually do every weeekend. Anyway, I thought I mention something that's never happened to me before.

As usual, I was checking all the charges that were made to my credit cardS and found two of them to be incorrect! WTF! So I looked up the original receipts- It's a good thing I keep all my receipts- yes people, I keep all of them, and on a daily basis, I record all my expenses so that I won't have to go insane and call 911 in January when I have to do my tax return. I am extremely organized and anal about categorizing all my expenses so I can maximize my tax deductions- yes people, you'd be surprised how much you could save if you were diligent about keeping things organized. Anyway, what I wanted to say was those incorrect charges were made at restaurants, and I'm assuming the tip amount and the total amount were probably not legible. In total, I lost less than a dollar, but still, it sucks that I have to pay for my artistic handwriting.
Ha, you would know if you ever saw my signature. But anyhow, I did learn a valuable lesson this time. I will know to write legibly on those stupid restaurant receipts.
photo by J.Lee


jinnie said...

할말을 잃었음.

velvetmoon said...

와? 왜 할말을 잃었는겨??? ㅋㅋㅋ

velvetmoon said...

not only is my numeric handwriting pitiful, the eyes of the new yorkers are also pitiful in this case.

jinnie said...

that's one way to look at it. no pun intended, of course.